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The Good Wood Gang


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Limited Edition Amulet

From the Black Forest comes a new type of lucky amulet. A wooden charm that refers to five ancient child Gods and the toys that delighted them. They bring magic and mystery into your life, each having a specialty power and working in different ways for every person. If you treat them with respect, they will grant you all your wishes.


Try your hand at arranging your own luck. Is “Blackfoot” tall? Is “Captain Bingo” small? It's up to you. Luck comes in all shapes and sizes. This lucky totem opens and closes all doors and possesses the key to all of life’s ultimate adventures.


“Sweet Tooth” is the sweetest and brings you success and surprises! He always gets what he wants... but you must give him what he needs: candy, a golden lock, or tiny mirrors and he'll let you in on his secrets. He represents the TRIPLETS of good fortune. “Sweet Tooth” is the sugar godhead that will bring you surprises.

“LUCKY DOOVOO” is a dream guide who is always sleeping and can solve all your problems such as love, health, and distress.

Make a secret drawing or write the name of someone you love. All your wishes can become reality with “Lucky Doovoo” on your side! He has three belly button articles you can choose: insert the ruby to concentrate on your goals, insert the heart to concentrate on your relationships, and insert the lollipop for carefree sleep!


God of the Sea, “Squid Racer” uses the power of momentum to keep your life progressing until you reach your ultimate potential. This squid has fully evolved into one of the fastest, hardest working teams ever. Driven by the faithful Elby and navigated by Singing Robot Head, he is fully equipped and ready to help you take over the world!


The rare “Mr. TTT Burger” will satisfy all your indulgences and help you to a delicious existence while showing you the key to immortality. “Mr. TTT Burger” is the totem of “Bumble Grump”, the godchild of luck.


“Lil’ Bernie” represents the content child. Use this head for a stress-free day.


“Baby Derwin” has superpowers and gives you the possibility to have good luck or bad luck. Which head will you choose today? Be Risky! GET BETTER RESULTS!

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